Studio Amani Qaddoumi (S.A.Q.)

Strategy+Visual Identity Toolkits
LAUZ Vending
Vemerse App
Qaddumi Foundation

Brazilian Coffee House
Beit Sitti

Customized Corporate Gifts
Al Aman Fund
Tkiyet Um Ali


Shop (Soon)

©2024 S.A.Q. 

Transforming Ideas into Impactful Brands

We specialize in crafting comprehensive brand strategies, designing compelling visual identity toolkits, and offering customized corporate gifts that leave a lasting impression. Through our expert training and mentorship programs, we guide entrepreneurs to unlock their full potential and turn their visions into reality.

Recent Work (2024)

LAUZ Healthy Vending, Strategy & Visual Identity

Vemerse App, Strategy & Visual Identity

glool LMS, Visual Identity

Al Aman Fund, End of Year Gift 

Tkiyet Um Ali, End of Year Gift

Recent Activity (2024)

AMANI X LIVINC Jordan, Fearless Personal Branding Masterclass

The Fearless Personal Branding activity at LIVINC was designed to empower participants to discover and confidently express their authentic selves. Through a series of interactive sessions, we guided attendees in overcoming fears, rewiring limiting beliefs, and embracing their unique brand identity. The activity included guided meditation, personal reflection exercises, and brand strategy development to help individuals unlock their full potential. Participants walked away with a clear sense of purpose, a defined brand vision, and actionable steps to craft a personal brand that aligns with their core values and aspirations.

In collaboration with: Ms. Zina Al Hassan.

AMANI X JOIN Fincubator, Branding Training

At JOIN Fincubator, I had the privilege of providing branding fundamentals training to 14 rising fintech startups. The session focused on key elements of building a strong brand, including developing a unique value proposition, crafting a memorable visual identity, and establishing a consistent brand voice. Through interactive discussions and practical examples, the startups learned how to position themselves in a competitive market and create a lasting impact. This training equipped them with the essential tools to strategically develop their brands and confidently navigate the fintech landscape.

AMANI X KUTC Panel Discussion: Employment is Our Shared Responsibility

I had the pleasure of moderating a dynamic panel discussion titled "Employment is Our Shared Responsibility" during the opening of the Innovactory incubator by Khawarizmi University Technical College. The discussion featured a distinguished group of panelists: Nidal Bitar, Lena Abu-El-Haija, Suleiman Shannak, and Rama Al-Heet. Together, we explored the critical role of collaboration between businesses, academic institutions, recruitment agencies, and graduates in fostering a supportive and inclusive employment landscape. The conversation underscored the importance of shared responsibility in addressing employment challenges and building sustainable career opportunities for future generations.

AMANI X LIVINC: Youth Job Retention Strategies

I was delighted to participate in the CFYE Employment learning event at LIVINC, where I joined esteemed experts; Maisam Otoum and Nadine Massad to discuss youth job retention strategies. The event provided a valuable platform to identify gaps, challenges, and opportunities in the current employment landscape. Engaging in this insightful conversation allowed us to explore innovative approaches to supporting young professionals in their career development, fostering long-term job retention, and building a more resilient workforce.